Confirmation Class 2015

We extend warm congratulations to our 6th class pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Fr. Tom Ryan PP in the presence of Canon Brendan O’Donoghue and Fr. Arnold Rosney in Ss. John & Paul Church on Friday, April 24 2015. We congratulate the pupils, their parents and their teachers, Mr. O’Connell and Ms.O’Driscoll on making the ceremony such a reverential occasion. We also thank the teachers and pupils from other classes who provided the beautiful musical accompaniment.
Friday’s sacramental ceremony was part of the pupils’ faith journey and we thank all who accompany them. A special thanks goes to their teachers, school support staff, faith friends, godparents, sponsors, sacristans, priests of our parish and members of the community who supported the pupils in so many different ways.
This year the pupils who receive the sacraments are invited to share some of the generosity they receive with the children of Sudan. We thank them for their support. Click here to see photographs of the ceremony.
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